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Maybach MDMA Pills



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What is the Maybach MDMA ecstasy pill?

The Maybach ecstasy pill is a type of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) pill that has been associated with high doses of MDMA, posing significant health risks. The Maybach pills are typically pink/red in color and are known for their large size. The Maybach pill has been reported to contain extremely high doses of MDMA, exceeding safe levels for both men and women. Consuming the Maybach pill can lead to side effects such as jaw grinding, eye and nerve twitching, seizures, increased body temperature, hallucinations, depression, lack of concentration, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and neurotoxicity with potential brain damage. Due to the high variability in MDMA content in these Maybach pills, it is recommended to have substances tested in a Drug Checking Testing facility or test a maximum of one third of the pill if testing is not possible

What is MDMA?

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as ecstasy) is a synthetic (man-made) drug that causes both hallucinogenic and stimulant effects. The drug was developed in Germany in the early twentieth century as an appetite suppressant, but today’s users consume the drug for its hallucinogenic effects, which they claim heighten their senses and make them feel less inhibited. Users also consume MDMA for its stimulant properties. MDMA generally is sold as a tablet, which is taken orally. MDMA tablets are available in various colors and shapes and generally are imprinted with a logo. Popular logos include smiley faces, clover leaves, cartoon characters, and symbols associated with commercial brands.


MDMA acts as both a stimulant and psychedelic, producing an energizing effect, distortions in time and perception, and enhanced enjoyment of tactile experiences. Euphoria, feelings of closeness, empathy, and sexuality. Although MDMA is known among users as ecstasy, researchers have determined that many ecstasy tablets contain not only MDMA but also a number of other drugs or drug combinations that can be harmful, such as ethamphetamine, ketamine, cocaine, cathinone, and caffeine.

What are the Effects of MDMA?

The effects produced by consuming MDMA can last for 4 to 6 hours, depending upon the potency of the tablet. Using the drug can cause confusion, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, craving for the drug, and paranoia. Use of the drug also may result in muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, tremors, rapid eye movement, sweating, or chills.People who have circulatory problems or heart disease face particular risks because MDMA can increase heart rate and blood pressure. MDMA abusers also risk dehydration, hyperthermia (exceptionally high fever), and heart or kidney failure if they use the drug while physically exerting themselves or in hot environments

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